Apply for Canadian Employee Benefits

Steps for Purchasing Group Insurance:

  1. Request a quote for group insurance.
  2. We then process your request.
  3. You decide when to proceed and which plan design you want.
  4. Fill out the enrollment forms for each employee as well as the master application. Employee forms are available from our web site. We must send you the master application since it is produced by the quoting software).
  5. We pick up your completed and signed forms along with your premium cheque for the first month of coverage via courier free of charge.
  6. Our team will send you confirmation of acceptance with the effective date and rates.
  7. We deliver an administration kit (i.e. cards and booklets).

Please email us (send email to and indicate the forms you require to apply for Canadian employee benefits. We will send them to you within one business day of receiving your request.

Under no circumstances should you cancel any existing insurance policy until you have received written approval from your new insurance carrier.