Do I Need Lost Baggage Insurance If I Have Travel Insurance

By Krista DeKuyper | May 3, 2023 | Travel Insurance

Lost Baggage Insurance vs Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can provide peace of mind when you’re venturing out on a trip. It offers coverage that protects you from unexpected events like trip cancellations, accidents, and medical emergencies that can disrupt your travel plans. One of the benefits of travel insurance is lost baggage coverage, which provides financial protection in case your luggage gets lost, damaged or delayed while you’re travelling. However, this begs the question: do you need lost baggage insurance if you already have travel insurance? Let’s explore this topic further.

What is Lost Baggage Insurance?

Lost baggage insurance is a type of travel insurance that offers coverage in case your luggage gets lost or delayed during your journey. This type of insurance policy can help you replace any necessary items, such as clothing, toiletries, or even your laptop, if your luggage happens to go missing.

What Does Travel Insurance Cover?

Travel insurance typically offers a wide range of coverage, including medical emergencies, missed connections, flight cancellations, and lost or delayed baggage. However, the extent of the coverage may vary depending on the insurance provider and package you choose.

Do You Need Lost Baggage Insurance If You Have Travel Insurance?

If you already have travel insurance, you might be wondering if lost baggage insurance is necessary. In general, lost baggage coverage is included in most comprehensive travel insurance policies, which means that you might not need to buy separate insurance coverage for your luggage. However, it’s always essential to read the policy thoroughly to know what is covered and what isn’t.

You need to consider some factors when deciding if you need lost baggage insurance when you already have travel insurance. If your luggage is valuable, you may want to consider taking out additional coverage for higher ticket items. Also, if you’re travelling to a destination with a high risk of lost or stolen luggage or you’re carrying important documents in your luggage, such as passports or visas, you may want to consider lost baggage coverage.

Best Travel Insurance Plans with Lost Baggage Insurance

Manulife Travel Insurance

Get affordable access to emergency medical care when you visit other provinces and countries. Your plan protects you if you need to see a doctor, get prescription drugs, call an ambulance or stay in hospital due to a medical emergency.

Allianz Global Assistance

Keep things simple by choosing between a Medical Plan, a Cancellation Plan (with benefits if your trip needs to be cancelled, interrupted or delayed, or if your baggage is lost or stolen) or a package of all available benefits in their convenient Medical + Cancellation Plan.

The Importance of Travel Insurance and Lost Baggage Insurance.

In conclusion, travel insurance offers a range of coverage that includes lost or delayed luggage protection. However, before deciding that your travel insurance provides adequate coverage for your needs, it’s critical to read your policy thoroughly and understand the coverage limits.

It’s always advisable to consider taking out additional coverage, such as lost baggage insurance, especially if you’re carrying valuable items or you’re travelling to destinations with a higher risk of lost or stolen baggage. By doing this, you can rest assured that you have comprehensive coverage that will manage all unexpected scenarios that may ruin your trip. Remember to choose insurance packages that suit your travel need, and enjoy your trip without any worries.

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