Does OHIP cover medical marijuana?

By Krista DeKuyper | November 6, 2023 | HealthQuotes Articles

In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the use of medical marijuana as a treatment for various medical conditions. As the demand for this alternative therapy grows, many individuals are wondering whether the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) covers the cost of medical marijuana. In this blog post, we will explore the topic of OHIP coverage for medical marijuana, providing you with valuable insights into this important question.

What is Medical Marijuana?

Medical marijuana refers to the use of marijuana, or its active compounds, for therapeutic purposes under the supervision of a healthcare professional. This form of treatment is gaining popularity due to its potential benefits in alleviating symptoms associated with various medical conditions, such as chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, and chemotherapy-related side effects.

Is There a Difference Between Medical Marijuana and Recreational Marijuana?

Yes, there is a clear distinction between medical marijuana and recreational marijuana. While recreational marijuana is used for non-medical purposes, primarily for its psychoactive effects, medical marijuana is specifically prescribed by healthcare professionals to treat specific medical conditions.

Marijuana for recreational use usually has more tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content
than the medicinal variety. THC is one of the many active ingredients in marijuana – it’s what provides users with a “high”.

Who Can Use Medical Marijuana?

The use of medical marijuana is strictly regulated and is available only to patients who meet specific criteria. To qualify for medical marijuana, individuals must have a diagnosis of a medical condition that is recognized as a valid indication for medical marijuana use by healthcare authorities and must have a prescription from an authorized healthcare professional.

The Legality of Medical Marijuana in Canada

In Canada, medical marijuana is legal and regulated by the federal government through the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR). These regulations provide a framework for the production, distribution, and use of medical marijuana throughout the country. This legal framework ensures that patients who meet the necessary criteria have access to high-quality medical marijuana products.

Does OHIP Cover Medical Marijuana?

No. OHIP does not currently cover the cost of medical marijuana. The coverage provided by OHIP is primarily focused on medically necessary and essential healthcare services, such as doctor’s visits, hospital stays, and certain medications. However, it is important to note that this may change in the future as the medical marijuana landscape continues to evolve.

What Information is Needed Before a Patient Can Get Medical Marijuana?

Before a patient can obtain medical marijuana, they must first consult with a healthcare professional who is authorized to prescribe it. During this consultation, the healthcare professional will evaluate the patient’s medical condition and determine if medical marijuana is an appropriate treatment option. The patient will need to provide relevant medical documentation and undergo a thorough assessment to ensure their eligibility for medical marijuana.

How Much Does Medical Marijuana Cost?

The cost of medical marijuana can vary depending on various factors, including the type of product, dosage, and the licensed producer from which it is obtained. Patients are responsible for covering the expenses associated with their medical marijuana, as it is not covered by OHIP. It is recommended that patients consult with their healthcare provider or licensed producer to understand the cost implications and available options.

Does Manulife Cover Medical Marijuana?

Yes. As of now, Manulife, one of the leading insurance providers in Canada, does have a plan that includes recreational drug coverage. Click here to download Manulife’s medical marijuana program. Click here if you want to learn more about Manulife’s medical marijuana program.

Manulife CoverMe Guaranteed issue Enhanced Health and Dental plan offers $500 for lifestyle drugs. Lifestyle drugs include prescription birth control drugs, glucose sensors, oral erectile dysfunction drugs, smoking cessation drugs and aids, medical marijuana, Intra Uterine Devices (IUDs) and diaphragms, anti-obesity drugs, and vaccines.


While medical marijuana has shown promise as a therapeutic option for various medical conditions, OHIP does not currently cover the cost of medical marijuana. However, as the medical landscape evolves and more research is conducted, it is possible that this may change in the future. As always, it is important for patients to consult with their healthcare provider and insurance company to fully understand their options and available coverage for medical marijuana.

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