Is Psychotherapy Covered by OHIP

By Krista DeKuyper | December 18, 2023 | OHIP

Psychotherapy, a form of mental health treatment, plays a crucial role in addressing various mental and emotional issues. Many people in Ontario often inquire whether their Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) will cover psychotherapy. In this article, we will answer the question “is psychotherapy covered by ohip?” We shall explore the relationship between psychotherapy and OHIP coverage, striving to provide comprehensive answers to all your queries.

Understanding Psychotherapy: A Basic Overview

Psychotherapy, often referred to as ‘talk therapy’, involves discussions between a patient and a mental health professional to understand and alleviate the patient’s distressing emotions, behaviours, and thoughts. It is a tool used in managing mental illnesses like depression or anxiety or assisting someone coping with stress.

The Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP): What You Need to Know

OHIP is a government-run health insurance plan that covers a broad range of medical services for Ontario residents. From doctor appointments to certain surgeries, OHIP generally provides essential health coverage. But where does psychotherapy fit in this picture?

Psychotherapy Services in Ontario: Unraveling Their Scope

Psychotherapy in Ontario is a regulated service provided by registered professionals, including psychologists, social workers, and psychotherapists. Depending upon the nature and severity of the issue, therapy can be short-term or long-term and may include individual, couple, family, or group sessions.

Is Psychotherapy Covered by OHIP?

It depends. OHIP does cover some psychotherapy services but not all. The services that are covered typically include those provided by psychiatrists or GPs with a special interest in mental health.

Usually, OHIP will cover psychotherapy if it is done in a publicly funded setting. For example, at a hospital, clinics, schools and agencies. Private practice therapy is not covered.

If your family doctor provides mental health services, that’s great! Continue to use them. Family doctors can also refer patients to psychiatrists or prescribe medications. Their time is limited, so they may only do brief sessions or medication management.

Exceptions and Limitations: Areas Where OHIP Might Not Cover Psychotherapy

There are limitations to what OHIP covers when it comes to psychotherapy. For instance, with psychiatrists and GPs, there might be long wait times. Furthermore, their service can be restricted due to a high demand. Also, services from psychotherapists who aren’t medical doctors aren’t usually covered by OHIP.

Alternatives to OHIP for Paying for Psychotherapy

Many private health insurance plans can cover psychotherapy services. Employee benefit programs often cover a certain amount of mental health services per year.

Manulife Flexcare

Keep your health and dental insurance costs in check by buying only what you want. With Manulife Flexcare plans, you can get health and dental coverage, enhanced with optional add-ons, or targeted protection in a specific area.

You can get up to $250 worth of coverage for psychotherapists

Manulife Guaranteed Issue

With Manulife’s comprehensive Guaranteed Issue Enhanced Health and Dental Insurance plan, you can help protect your health and reduce your out-of-pocket expenses with a wide range of healthcare coverage. There are no medical questions or exams at time of application – even if you have a pre-existing health condition.

You can get 80% coverage of $625 for a combined maximum of $500 per year for registered specialists and therapists.

How to Access Psychotherapy Services with OHIP Coverage

Start by discussing your concerns and needs with your primary care physician, who can refer you to a psychiatrist or provide psychotherapy treatments themselves. Remember that while the waiting times can be long for some specialists, getting your name on the list is the first step.


While not all psychotherapy services are covered by OHIP, a significant amount is, especially those offered by psychiatrists or GPs. However, with the rising understanding of mental health’s importance, it can be hoped that more coverage options will become available in the future. Regardless, beginning with a discussion with your doctor or healthcare provider is the best way to access psychotherapy services.