Allianz Travel Insurance: Eligibility Questions
To ensure Allianz travel eligibility you must, as of the date you apply for coverage and the effective date:
- Be at least 15 days old and no more than 89 years old; and
- Be insured for benefits under a Canadian government health insurance plan during the entire period of coverage; and
- Not have been diagnosed with a terminal illness; or
- Not have been diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 cancer; or have received treatment for any cancer (other than basal or squamous cell cancer or breast cancer treated only with hormone therapy) in the last 3 months; or
- Not require assistance with activities of daily living as the result of a medical condition or state of health.
In addition, if you are age 60 or over, you are NOT eligible for coverage if, as of the date you apply for coverage and the effective date, you:
- Have been prescribed or used home oxygen for a lung / respiratory condition during the previous 12 months; or
- Had your most recent heart surgery more than 12 years ago or less than 6 months ago; or
- Have a diagnosed unrepaired aneurysm of 4 centimetres or greater, measured in either length or diameter; or
- Have received or are awaiting a bone marrow or major organ transplant; or
- Have been diagnosed with or received treatment for a kidney disease requiring dialysis; or
- Have ever been diagnosed with an auto-immune disorder; or
- Have ever been diagnosed with congestive heart failure.
NOTE: for most provinces you lose your provincial healthcare coverage if gone for more than 6 months out of the year. Ontario is an exception where you may be temporarily outside of Canada for a total of 212 days in any 12 month period. Please make sure you contact your provincial government before leaving on an extended holiday.
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