Travel Advisories And How It Affects Your Insurance

By Krista DeKuyper | May 31, 2023 | General Travel

This blog post aims to provide valuable insight into Canada’s travel advisory system, the meaning of a non-advisory situation, and how it impacts travel insurance. We will discuss the importance of understanding travel advisories when planning a trip and offer tips to protect yourself while travelling.

Understanding Canada Travel Advisory

Canada’s travel advisory system is designed to inform Canadians about potential risks while travelling abroad. The advisories cover various levels of danger, ranging from normal precautions to reconsidering or avoiding travel to a specific country. It is essential for travellers to be aware of advisories to make informed decisions regarding their trips.

What Does Non-Advisory Mean?

A non-advisory situation means that the Canadian government has not issued any specific travel warnings or alerts for a particular destination. In such cases, travellers are encouraged to exercise typical precautions and stay informed about their destination’s local conditions.

How Travel Alerts and Warnings Affect Your Insurance

Travel insurance providers often refer to government-issued travel advisories when determining coverage for a specific destination. Coverage may be denied or limited for destinations with an active travel advisory. On the other hand, non-advisory travel status typically implies that insurance providers will provide full coverage for travellers, assuming no other exclusions apply.

If you are already at your destination and a travel advisory is issued, this will not affect your insurance premium and your coverage level.

Travel Insurance Coverage Options in Non-Advisory Situations

In non-advisory situations, various travel insurance options are available to cover potential risks while abroad. Travellers are encouraged to review and compare policies to find the best fit for their needs. Coverage may include medical emergencies, trip cancellations or interruptions, lost or delayed luggage, and more.

Tips for Protecting Yourself While Traveling

Even in non-advisory situations, travellers should still maintain a high level of vigilance and practice personal safety measures. Some general tips include:

  • Stay informed about local news and potential risks in your destination
  • Register with the local Canadian embassy or consulate
  • Keep contact information for emergency services readily available
  • Use reputable transportation providers and be cautious with sharing personal information
  • Follow local laws and customs

Frequently Asked Questions About Non-Advisory Travel and Insurance

  1. Q: Can I purchase travel insurance for a destination with an active travel advisory?
    A: While some providers may offer limited coverage, it is generally more challenging to find coverage for destinations under an active advisory.
  2. Q: Will my travel insurance cover unforeseen events in a non-advisory destination?
    A: Comprehensive travel insurance policies typically cover unexpected events, such as natural disasters or civil unrest, even in non-advisory destinations. However, it is crucial to read the policy details before purchasing.
  3. Q: How can I stay updated on travel advisories?
    A: is the Canadian government’s official source for travel advice and advisories. Staying up-to-date with this information will ensure you make well-informed travel decisions.


Understanding the implications of Canada’s travel advisory system and how it affects your travel insurance is crucial for a safe and enjoyable journey. Non-advisory destinations typically offer broader travel insurance coverage, but it remains essential for travellers to stay informed, practice

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